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Privacy policy

In order to guarantee the principles of fairness, legal use, transparency of your privacy and related rights, the disclaimer regarding the processing of your personal data is provided below. Disclaimer pursuant to art. 13, Italian Leg. Decree 196/03 “Protection of individuals and other parties with respect to personal data processing”:

Sisters Hostel
Via Madonna di Rosella, 120 Piano di Sorrento – Naples [IT] VAT IT 07877191218. N° Tel. +39 0813146470 Fax +39 0813146470.

Please note that:
(A) Purpose of the Data Processing:
1) to reply to your booking request;
2) to comply with obligations deriving from an agreement to which you are party, or to comply with you specific request prior to implementation of the agreement;
3) to comply with specific accounting and tax obligations.


(B) Consent
Giving your consent to the data processing is mandatory if you wish to make use of our products / services, for the purposes indicated under the above points.

(C) Data Processing Method
For the purposes indicated above, the data processing may be performed using printed, electronic or screen-based means, taking all precautions necessary to ensure security and confidentiality of the data, as specified in our Security Policy Document.
The data may be processed by in-house staff and/or outsourcers of the Company appointed as Data Processing Officers and/or Managers. The duration of the data retention is strictly related to the time required to comply with our requests.

(D) Extent of Communication and Disclosure
If instrumental to achieving the purposes indicated under point A, the data may be communicated to: professional and advisory studios in the accounting, tax, labour and legal sector; external companies appointed as data processing managers for the supply of products/services as requested by the customer. The data will not be disclosed under any circumstances to other parties.

(E) Data Processing Controller
To all effects of the law, the Data Processing Controller is: SISTERS’ HOSTEL, address Via Madonna di Rosella 120 Piano di Sorrento (Napoli) [IT] Vat no. 07877191218 Tel no.0813146470 Fax no 0813146470.

With regard to the processing of personal data by the company, the customers has the option of exercising rights pursuant to article 7, Italian Leg. Decree 196/03, the text of which is provided in full.

Art. 7 – Personal data access rights and other rights
1. The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of his/her personal data, even if not yet recorded, and its communication in an intelligible format.

2. The interested party has the right to be informed of:

  • a) The source of the personal data;
  • b) The purpose and method of processing;
  • c) The logic applied in the event of processing via electronic means;
  • d) Details of the controller, manager and appointed officer under the terms of article 5, subsection 2;
  • e) The parties and categories of parties to whom personal data may be communicated or who may become as designated Italian representative, manager or officer.

3. The interested party has the right to:

  • a) Updating, amendment and integration of the data, if required;
  • b) Cancellation or transformation into anonymous format or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained or later processed;
  • c) Confirmation that the activities listed under points a) and b) above have been notified, also with regard to content, to the parties to whom the data has been communicated or disclosed, unless such confirmation proves impossible or would require the exploitation of means disproportionate to the right protected;

4. The interested party has the right to oppose, wholly or in part:

  • a) For legitimate reasons, the processing of related personal data, even if relevant to the purposes of its collection;
  • b) The processing of his/her personal data for the purpose of advertising material mailing or direct sales or for the purpose of market research or marketing communications.